My little page is all about everything worth-sharing in life, love, travel, web, food, money, technology, and anything in between.
I like to make things a lot easier and I love shortcuts so, I will also share some helpful tips and hacks I learned from my adventures and misadventures.
More of ekha
Network Engineer by day, Whatever-I-Want at night. I am still discovering my own passion, but, what ignites me is doing something new and most of it is about – TRAVELING. Who does not?
I love chocolates, shades of pink and pastels, Twitter, and music – a proud KatyCat.
Ultimate travel goal: Step into 7 continents, 100 countries and 4000 cities across the globe. (Go to Mars -char!)
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” 
-Colossians 3:23