Before the year ends (literally), I would like to share what God has brought me this 2018 and why I am so grateful. This is one of those good years that I will definitely cherish and look back to.

I can proudly say that 2018 is my well-traveled year. I will start off my quick summary with the places I visited. I already shared this over a tweet since someone asked: “What is your top 3 personal accomplishments in the year?”

Visited 3 continents in a year – North America, Europe, and Asia: 9 new countries – Indonesia, France, Italy, Vatican, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, and Belgium; 2 re-visited countries – USA, and South Korea

Visited 7 new US States with Fam: Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, St. Louis, and Arkansas

Visited 4 new provinces in Philippines: Bacolod, Ilo-ilo, Guimaras, and Davao

Traveling is a real deal for me and pulling off these trips in a year is just awesome. No words could describe my gratefulness, it is all for Him and through Him.

Aside from my travel life, I managed to grow my career as Network Engineer, able to attend the world tour of my fave artists Katy Perry and LANY, bought my so-called “2019 Apple Dreams” before the year ends and many more.

This is also the year that I learn to value the relationship with extended family relatives. We may have lost one of our family members but it has brought our family closer.

Plus, special thanks to my loved ones for giving me courage, inspiration, and of course, for keeping up with me.

Thank you 2018 for wonderful memories. To 2019, I am ready!